Me / O mně

I came to Finland in June 2011, in love, in awe, as blank as a white page, ready for the greatest adventure of my life. And it has been a hell of a ride! :)

I have experienced amazing ups, followed by similiarly heartbreaking downs and I learnt a lot.

For the first seven years it was us (me and Robert) walking down this chosen path. Now it is still us, walking, unfortunately separate ways... well, not exactly, given our two amazing children and our friendship will bond us for the rest of our lives. 
Life is about loses and failures too... and we just need to learn to accept it.

Although I have changed a lot, I still love blogging, and blogging about Finland, about life of a foreigner in Finland, and about life of a foreign mum living in Finland is one of the things that keep me going :)

I hope you, guys, who stummbled upon my page, will keep reading, commenting,... walking this next chapter of my life along side with me. Are you ready? :)

Ok then.

Czech out my: